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清帐 SAP License:F





During the clearing, a clearing document is created. Thisdocument contains posting items, which was not expected.

Other terms

New general ledger accounting, new general ledger, BSTAT = A, BKPF-BSTAT , FB05, FB1K, FB1S, FB1D, online splitter

Reason and Prerequisites

Prerequisite: The document breakdown is activated in the new general ledger.

Reason: The problem is caused by the design of the system.


Although in the items to be cleared, the fields of structure KONTAB_1ST are identical, the system does not create a clearing document without posting items. Due to technical reasons, the system always creates a cl明天2下午earing document with posting items.

The following example demonstrates why clearing lines are necessary:

open items

Entry view (table BSEG Accounting Document Segment):Doc No Item D/C Amount Ac_countAssignment (e.g. profit center)10000 001 D 100,0010001 001 C 100,00-

General ledger view:Due to the document breakdown, 2 items werecreated for document 100000. The following items exist in the general ledger view (table FAGLFLEXA General Ledger: Actual Line Items):Doc No Item D/C Amount Ac_countAssignment BSEG Doc No Item2000000 000001 D 40,00 PC1 10000 0012000000 000002 D 60,00 PC2 10000 0012000001 000001 C 100,00- PC3 10001 001

Clearing without line items

During the clearing without clearing lines, only a document header would be created in the entry view for clearing document 11000. In the general ledger, the following line items are created:Doc No Item D/C Amount Ac_countAssignment BSEG Doc No Item2100000 000001 C 40,00- PC1 11000 ???2100000 000002 C 60,00- PC2 11000 ???2100000 000003 D 100,00 PC3 11000 ???The line items in the general 今天1早上ledger view do not have any reference toa line item in the entry view (BSEG).

Reset Cleared Items

If you reset cleared items (Transaction FBRA), no document is created in the entry view! In the general ledger view, however, only clearing document 2100000 is be reversed. In this case, Transaction FBRA should post a document in the general ledger without a document in the entry view! A document in the general ledger view without a corresponding document in the recording view, however, is not possible! This is due to both technical (document number assignment) and accounting-related (“no posting without document”) reasons.

Clearing with line items

In the entry view, you create clearing document 11000 with line items.Doc No Item D/C Amount Ac_countAssignment (e.g. profit center)11000 001 C 100,00-11000 002 D 100,00

Clearing document in the general ledger:Doc No Item D/C Amount Ac_countAssignment BSEG Doc No Item2100000 000001 H 40,00- PC1 11000 0012100000 000002 H 60,00- PC2 11000 0012100000 000003 S 100,00 PC3 11000 002

Reset Cleared Items

In this case, 4 open items exist in the entry viewif you reset cleared items. Therefore, a posting in the general ledger view isnot required! This is done when the open items are cleared(entry view).

Header Data

Release Status: Released后天3晚上 for CustomerReleased on: 24.05.2006 17:21:08Priority: Recommendations/additional infoCategory: ConsultingPrimary Component: FI-AP-AP-A Posting/Clearing/Special General LedgerSecondary Components: FI-GL-GL-A Posting/Clearing


SAP GRC权力合规反省系统(简称AMS-R系统)是SAP ERP利用企业施行权力合规反省、违规数据抓取以及IT审计的巴望器械。

AMS-V SAP License 物业优化办理系统产物:是利用于SAP系统权力告急掌握及挂号用户账号办理为目的的SAP软件物业精益化办理规划。

SAP 日志堡垒机安全办理系统(简称AMS-L系统)是一款面向SAP ERP 系统的收集安全办理器械,供给基于SAP系统用户生意动作的常态化监管,是对于SAP现有日志编制的无效增强办理。

SAP 运维办理平台系统(简称AMS-Ops)旨正在确保企业SAP利用系统强健、牢靠运行的根底上,延续性的革新、优化,进而满意其生意繁华须要的企业级SAP系统运维办理办事。

AMS SAP 商超定单一致办理系统以商超平台定单分散办理为当中,系统支柱多平台、多店铺、全渠道系统洽购定单、验收单、结算单等生意单子的一致办理;商超定单一致办理系统支柱与 SAP ERP 系统的无缝连接,正在SAP ERP系统中主动天生出售定单、内向交货单,校阅验收单、结算单等 SD 模块生意操作,无效的简化企业商超定单办理处事过程,保险定单数据处置的一致、确切、高效,完结跨系统、构造的合资办理,选拔企业营销效用。


河南赛锐信息科技有限公司(简称“赛锐信息”)是一家努力于SAP ERP系统利用的办事商,公司安身打造基于AMS产物套件的企业信息化束缚规划,贯串前沿本领寻求最好用户感受、企业信息化优厚束缚规划以及企业级产物利用的供应商。公司自主研发的AMS系列软件产物是海内首个用于SAP权力告急判别的增强系统,也是同业业用户精益化办理束缚规划中最优的束缚规划,算作用户办理、告急潜伏以及信息审计的协助器械,其有助于榜样企业的办理动作,帮忙建立合规的管控过程,无效进步企业IT物业投资回报率;AMS系列产物正在各项本领目标上拥有全面的、独立的跨越劣势,也许满意墟市合作、本领答应以及规范拟定等方面的须要。

作家:SAP权力办理 QQ:2651000673